Due to deteriorating course conditions, today’s cross country meet has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Doug Dunn
There will be NO SCHOOL Friday, October 30 following Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday & Thursday evenings.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Mr. Holmes says, “The Science Club hike seemed to go well. About six colorful miles in the Current River hills. Everyone seemed to have had a fun, safe day. I wish you could have heard their excitement and energy and good spirits through the day! We had 25 students, plus 3 sponsors. The exercise, fellowship, and digital detox does these kids a lot of good!”
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
science club hike
Help Wanted: Paraprofessional! We offer great hours, a friendly and safe working environment, and a rewarding working experience. 60 college hours preferred. Call (573) 674-2911 for more information or find an application online at www.licking.k12.mo.us.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Help Wanted
We're looking for a substitute nurse from December 1, 2020-January 15, 2021. Pay is $80/day. Regular hours M-F, 8 AM-3:15 PM. LPN or RN certification preferred. This is a great opportunity to earn extra holiday money! Call (573) 674-2911 for more information or apply online at www.licking.k12.mo.us.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Nurse Needed
Our Wildcat preschoolers are having Pirate Week this week! Argghhh, Mateys! ⛵️
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
preschool pirates
Mrs. Huff says, "Third Graders have been learning the election process this month. We did a mock presidential election today, the kids rocked it!" Way to go, third graders! 🙂
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
election month
election month 2
election month 3
If you're looking for an option for COVID testing or vaccinations, MO Ozarks Community Health can help.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
clinic ad
Antonio is a Rockstar Student because he works hard every single day AND he goes above and beyond to help others. Proud of you, Antonio!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
rockstar student
Today is Bus Driver Appreciation Day, and Mrs. Haneline's class made a super-sized card for a SUPER team of bus drivers! We are so thankful for our bus drivers!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
bus driver card
The Licking Elementary Art Club will be canceled on 10/20/20 due to a family emergency. Please note that art club will resume on 10/27/20 as scheduled.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Thrasher, Elementary Principal
Art Club Graphic
Licking Volunteer Firefighters taught kindergarten about fire safety last week. Our students are still talking about the firetruck!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
fire fighters
fire fighters
fire fighters
Mrs. Haneline says, "We are proud of our first grader who can tie his shoes!" Way to go!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Shoes tied
The Fall Band & Choir Concert is rescheduled for Monday, October 26th at 7 PM. Thank you, Mrs. Link
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Band Concert
Mrs. Coffey's class just finished reading BFG for Reading. Each student was responsible for creating a diorama depicting one of their favorite scenes from the book. Look how creative our students are!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Dear Parents/Guardians, The 2020-2021 School Year our school district has been granted with free breakfast and lunches for all students regardless of income. As a reminder, a milk is provided with each breakfast and lunch and is included in the cost of the initial price. If your student requests an extra milk at lunch time or gets a milk at snack time ( kindergarten-2nd grade) it will be an additional $0.30 charge. This charge is not covered by the school and will be billed to each student's account. There are many students requesting these extras on a daily basis. Please discuss this with your students and let them know what you allow. You can pay these accounts in the elementary office or online on your Lumen account with a valid debit/credit card.
over 4 years ago, Elementary Office
Today Mr. Colton Lewis taught kindergarten students what it’s like to be a mechanic, local business partner, and community volunteer. Mr. Lewis gave each kindergartener a Hot Wheels car!! Thank you Mr. Lewis!!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Mr. Lewis
Mr. Lewis 2
Mr. Lewis 3
Brackets for the Frisco JH Girls Basketball Tournament here in Licking next week are available on our website & app. Click "Menu" > "Documents" > "Athletics" > "Tournaments."
over 4 years ago, Doug Dunn
These students in Mrs. Hebblethwaite's classroom can tie their shoes. Way to go kindergarten!!
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
shoes tied
shoes tied
THANK YOU Paul Richardson and Assembly of God Church for bringing pretzels from Auntie Anne’s for ALL of our staff today!!! Yummmm!!! 😋😋
over 4 years ago, Superintendent
Pretzel Delivery