As we prepare for Tuesday, September 8, please keep in mind this home screening checklist. Please call your child's school office if children are experiencing these symptoms, have an open COVID test, or are under quarantine due to close contact with a positive case.
Elementary -- 674-3211; JH/HS -- 674-2711
This year, morning commuters will see crossing guards at four crosswalks near campus to assist an increasing number of walkers. Please stay alert for their signals of students crossing the road.
Reminder to Elementary Parents that our morning drop-off and pick-up lines begin at Maple Avenue (north side of FEMA) and end at College Avenue. Crossing guards will be posted at crosswalks AM & PM, administrators will be assisting with students exiting vehicles, and afternoon car riders may begin picking up students at 3:15 at the elementary cafeteria, facilitated by administrators with radios. (**Parents: stay in cars in the pick-up line, show driver's license to admin, say student's name to exit building) Questions? Call the elementary office at 674-3211.
2020-2021 school year: JH/HS 1st hour starts at 8 AM; Elementary begins at 8:10 AM. JH/HS ends at 3:15 PM; Elementary ends at 3:23 PM. Elementary parents may begin drop-off at 7:30 AM and elementary car riders may be picked beginning at 3:15 PM the first week to ease into new procedures.
Licking R-VIII School District is seeking substitute teachers, substitute custodians, and substitute bus drivers. Interested applicants may visit the Superintendent's Office to apply. Please call (573) 674-2911 with questions.
School starts Tuesday, September 8! Buses will be approximately 10 minutes earlier than pick-up times last year, and approximately 10 minutes later than drop off times in the afternoon. We will be building seating charts on all buses the first few days.
Licking R-VIII sends special thanks today to Mr. Joe Satterfield and South Central Correctional Center’s Restorative Justice Organization for 850 handmade masks for students!! This totals 981 handmade items for our district!!
Town & Country Bank delivered insulated cups, coasters and gift certificates for Back to Work door prizes! Congratulations Mr. Maddox, Mr. Buckland, Mr. Antle, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Linda Huff (photo not available), and Mrs. Hurt (winner of the $25 gift certificate)!! Thank you, Town & Country Bank!!
The Backpack Program will begin Friday, September 11 for those enrolled in the program.