Mrs. Haneline says, "This month is Community Banker Month and Mrs. Buckner and Mr. Stone from Progressive Ozark Bank stopped by our first grade classes today to give us piggy banks, some play money, and to share with us about saving and spending.
They have invited our first grade students to decorate the piggy banks at home as part of a contest. Our decorated piggy banks will be displayed in the lobby at Licking Progressive Ozark Bank. Parents, friends, and customers get to vote for their favorite by putting money in the piggy banks (student’s names will be on them). The one with the most money will win an individual prize. The money collected altogether in the piggy banks will be donated back to the Licking Elementary first grade classrooms for supplies. Thanks for visiting, Mr. Stone and Mrs. Buckner!"
Mrs. Haneline says, "Congratulations to Aidyn for reaching his goal of reading 100 Books!" Great job, Aidyn!
Mrs. Haneline says, "Congratulations to Zeke for reaching his goal of reading 100 Books!" Way to go, Zeke!
Mrs. Moncrief’s class enjoying art project with Mrs. Rinne.
The Licking Elementary Annual (Spring) Title Evaluation Meeting will be held on April 22nd, 3:00 pm, at the Elementary Cafeteria. Please feel free to attend and be a part of our planning process!
Please see the flyer shared by Mrs. Keeney...
Mrs. Haneline says, "Kimberlynn is a Rockstar Student because she is incredibly helpful and a super hard worker. She also LOVES a challenge! Today she even bagged up the classroom trash, put it outside the classroom door, and replaced the bag without being asked because it was overflowing. Thanks for being awesome and helping out when you saw something you could help with, Kimberlynn!" ⭐️
At this month’s Board of Education meeting, Mr. Gorman and Mr. Rinne were sworn in by Mr. Derrickson for another term. We thank these gentlemen for their ongoing service to the community!
Mrs. Hutsell says, "Yesterday, the FBLA Missouri State Leadership Conference's Awards of Excellence was livestreamed after a virtual only year. Two of our entries received special recognition for placing in the top 10 in the state and would have made it on stage. Though missing National competition, both entries were honored and will be receiving State placement medals. The Parliamentary Procedures Team of Ryan Bever, Autumn Grover, Cliff Hawn, and Jayson Wallace earned 8th place for their testing and video performance in Parliamentary Procedure. Jayson Wallace also earned 7th place for his Zoom Impromptu Speaking performance. Please join us in congratulating these awesome kids in continuing to not only honor our Licking FBLA organization but also prepare for their future career success! Thank you to all State competing members!"
The 8th grade dance scheduled for this Friday has been rescheduled for Friday, April 23 from 7-10.
Mrs. Haneline says, "LJ is a Rockstar Student because he has worked hard to reach a personal goal. He also is so helpful to his classmates and is an AMAZING reader! He’s been a great example and role model to his classmates all year long". Way to go, LJ!
Nurse Godi shared a reminder about quarantines...
Mrs. Huff says, "Jocie mastered her 0-12 multiplication facts today!" Way to go!
Mrs. Reed says, “Reminder: Today is the last day to complete the school survey for a free movie ticket”.
Mrs. Sullins shared the following Senior Recognition Ads announcement...
Mrs. Haneline's 3rd Quarter Sight Words Awards
Our community is experiencing another round of positive COVID cases. This round seems to present with allergy and/or flu-like symptoms. Please remember to watch for the following symptoms before sending students to school...thank you!
Mrs. Shepard shares kindergarten’s 3rd quarter sight words awards!
Mrs. Haneline says, "Peyton is a Rockstar Student because he jumps in to quickly help-even when it means cleaning up a mess he didn’t make. He has been working hard in class, too! Way to go, Peyton! ⭐️"
Kindergarten registration is Thursday and Friday, April 15 & 16, from 9 AM - 2 PM. Please call ahead to schedule a time @ 573-674-3211.